Monday, April 19, 2010
Do elephants whisper?
Have you heard an elephant whisper?
We all have "favorite" animals. Some of us love the Big Cats like lions and cheetahs and leopards. Some love giraffes because they are so graceful. But almost everyone loves elephants. What's not to love? Can you resist the adorableness of a baby elephant hiding beneath it's mom's immense underbelly? Elephants are amazing and the work done by researchers like Cynthia Moss has revealed so much more of these soulful animals. Elephants are highly social animals and experience emotions similar to humans. They do feel happiness and sadness. They mourn their dead and sense when one of their own is ill. They appoint a matriarch of the herd. They can communicate over long distances and remember other elephants they may not have seen for a long time.
But what about whispers? Well it's not really hearing an elephant whisper. It's an exciting visit with elephants that we can add to any of our South Africa programs that stay at Kings Camp, Leopard Hills, Perry's Bridge Hollow or Hippo Hollow. Depending on how much time you have, we can arrange for a short, one hour visit with elephants or a half day visit -- which would include a walk and perhaps even a bath (for the elephant, of course.) It's a fun, educational visit with several elephants that were rescued from a culling and rehabiuated to interact with humans.
Why not found out if elephants whisper? Ask us to add it to your next South Africa visit.